Cell Phone Tracking in US

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Keeping the rise in crime in U.S. the authorities are quite serious about taking corrective measures. The major chunk of crime done through use of technology comes from cell phones. In the past we have seen U.S. govt. being sued in the instances of cell phone tracking. But with the passage of time the things have changed & federal court has okayed the warrant less cell phone tracking. The same was also the need of the hour keeping in view the steep rise in crime & threat from various quarters.


This has led the people to make use of the techniques for tracking cell phones. People came out with smart spy software mainly meant for tracking cell phones. On various review platforms many have shown their acceptance for such good software that has helped in making & changing the lives of the people better. People have come to know where they were exactly on fault & what actually lacked in their relationships.


This software has also helped people in saving themselves from all the ditching of their spouses, employees & children. But one will be surprised to know how such small software can help people up to this extent.

But this is true keeping in view the smart techniques software keeps. Firstly its setup files can never be recognized by the user of the target cell phone. Secondly The GPS feature of it makes you to locate each & every individual location its user visits. Thirdly you can track all the texts made & received even if tried to be deleted from the memory of cell phone. Similar is the case with all the calls made & received & also the files (videos, documents, images & emails) exchanged.

One can also access the Call logs of the target phone. In order to have more specific information about the user of the cell phone one can track the surrounding of the user during the call being made & received by “Environment listening” feature of software. To add more one can even listen the live calls taking place on the target cell phone with the “Call listening” feature of the spy software.


In addition to this, tracking software is capable of working on the cell phone of any company, model or type. Software is also capable of accessing all the things shared through the WhatsApp application of iPhone & BBM of Blackberry. Because the things get shared through the said applications through internet active on cell phone while bypassing the SIM of the network provider.

So this smart trend of cell phone tracking through software is quite active in U.S. & also finding huge acceptance from the common run.

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